Wealth plunger oil series includes water-based plunger oil and oil-based plunger oil.The prod-uct is made of high?ash point synthetic ester,anti-wear extreme pressure agent and?ame retardant,,it is non?ammable and has low oil smoke.I
Wealth plunger oil series includes water-based plunger oil and oil-based plunger oil.The prod-uct is made of high?ash point synthetic ester,anti-wear extreme pressure agent and?ame retardant,it is non?ammable and has low oil smoke.It can e?ectively improve the surround-ing environment of die-casting and reduce the porosity of casting parts.Drip on the surface of the plunger to form an excellent oil?lm,e?ec-tively improving the service life of the plunger and the shot sleeve.